Flame overlay on top of lid, valance is buffalo
This trunk is 4" taller and 1" deeper than our #72.
Let Boss Bags custom build your bags and matching accessories.
The buffalo lid has studs and fringe on lid and tubs, trimmed in burgandy.
The buffalo print lid with conchos, fancy buckles and fringe on lid and tubs.
Brown gator trims the smooth lid on this pair of 50 bags for a Street Glide. Fancy buckles and fringe on lid and tubs.
Double fringe using 8" brown fringe under a 6" black fringe. Basket weave lids with conchos and long brown tails.
Double fringe on this 67 size trunk
Double fringe using the 8" white fringe under the 6" black fringe, white trim, basketweave lid with Fatboy emblem on a 41 magnum.
An eagle carved in a lid with the basket weave stamp background before died black
Mermaid on anchor carved with the basket background. Fancy buckles
Willie G skull carved in lid with basket weave background, fancy buckles and conchos with long tails.
HOHS cruise saddlebag with carved skull lid top and crossing guns, braided and stamped valance.
Click to enlarge andy photo
Carved skull and studded lide on a 67 size trunk bag
Tribal carving on large trunk of a V8 chopper trike
Mean dragon carved on the large trunk bag
click to enlarge
Custom side small saddlebag
Studs and stamping on the 9" 53 windshield pouch.
Fringe and basket weave on a windshield pouch and an tank bag
Brown gator trim on a 23 pouch for a fairing.

Brown gator trim with basket weave and fancy buckles to match a custom seat
Buffalo valance with braiding with studs
Brown trimed brown trunk with fancy bukles
Brown gator trim with conchos with long tails and fringe both lid and tubs. Fancy buckles
Brown gator trimmed brown lid with fancy buckles and fringe on lid only.

All white
Basket weave with studs. Fringe on lids and tubs. Fancy western buckle loop tip set and extra concho fringe center.
Our 50 bag with basketweave, fringe, fancy buckles and white trim
click to enlarge

New Leather color available 3/15/2016 |

Recovered seat with "Snakebite" leather |


Click any photo to enlarge custom seats |